Speed up your PC with quick & easy defragmentation.
Defrag entire hard drives or individual files. Works with HDD and SSD and supports NTFS and FAT32 file systems!

Faster Computer
Defraggler speeds up your PC by assembling fragmented files on your machine and organizing them more efficiently. Defraggler does the hard work, so your computer doesn’t have to.
Safe and Secure
Defrag with confidence. Defraggler uses the same techniques as Windows to read and write files, so your files will never be damaged.
Defrag free space
Defrag free space on your drive and not just your files. A proactive solution that helps prevent fragmentation before it occurs.
Full customization
You have full control over which drives, folders and files you defrag. Or simply use the default settings and let Defraggler do the work for you. Simple enough for every day users and flexible enough for advanced users.
Scheduled defragmentation
Defragment while you sleep – and wake up with a faster PC. Set Defraggler to run daily, weekly or monthly.